Industry News

HAR Delivers Industry News for FREE

Straight from the news room, HAR delivers industry news FREE as part of their ongoing expansion of benefits to member agents.

HAR delivers industry news for FREE to it’s agent population as part of a new member benefit to help you stay informed about the latest industry news. You can now sign up for a FREE subscription to top real estate news services, including Inman News, Real Estate News and RISMedia.

Inman Select

Inman Select connects you to the latest news, powerful insights and a community of real estate leaders. As a member benefit, you will get access to breaking news, business intelligence, special reports and industry profiles from Inman News, which is the preeminent real estate news site. To sign up for Inman Select (a $249 value)Click Here.

Real Estate News is the solutions-oriented news source for real estate professionals like you. They offer the information you need to stay informed and keep your business moving forward. To activate your Real Estate News subscription (a $216 value)Click Here.


Get breaking news and industry updates sent to your inbox. You will also have access to educational events and RISMedia’s Premier premium content channel that features investigative journalism, one-of-a-kind special reports and proprietary industry data. To sign up for a free subscription to RISMedia (a $249 value)Click Here.

HAR delivers industry news through these channels as part of their ongoing expansion of benefits to its member agents. These services are FREE to all HAR members.

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Brian Varvel
Brian Varvel

Digital creator. Realtor Extraordinaire. Educator. Creative. Sports junkie by birth. Texan by the Grace of God. That’s me in a nutshell.

Articles: 31